Thursday, June 30, 2011
Mommy got home with my brother Brody and we all hung out while our yummy dinner heated up - thank you Tricia for the yummy enchilada casserole! Daddy's work are providing us meals two times a week which is really helpful now that Daddy went back to work full time. We had a beef stew earlier in the week and are still enjoying the Tiramisu that Steve made us.
Daddy is feeding me now and of course as soon as he changed me into my pajamas I pooped:-) I'm having a little bit of a hard time with my last feeding but hopefully will settle down soon. We will try the bassinet again and hopefully it gets better soon. I'm trying to get used to it....
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I slept all of last night in my bassinet but wasn't all that happy about it. I was up every few hours having seizures and needed to be suctioned. I had a pretty good day and was oxygen free for the entire day. My nurse Paula gave me a bath and then had to give me some Tylenol because I was running a little fever. Other than that things were status quo.
I just finished my last feeding and I am giving the bassinet another try. It is Daddy's turn to watch me tonight so I will try and be better.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
No more oxygen:)
I was worn out after my busy day and slept after my 5pm feeding which was nice for Mommy because she was able to make dinner while I slept. I started to wake up after dinner and got some pictures. Daddy is feeding me now and I will try and go to bed soon. Daddy set me all up in my bassinet for bedtime and we are going to give sleeping by myself again the old college try....
Sunday, June 26, 2011
To O2 or not to O2
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Summer is here!
I have been on oxygen off and on all day. This afternoon was the hardest part of the day for me because I would go through spells where I was trying to cough stuff up. When I finally was able to cough out stuff, I would relax and fall asleep for 20 minutes or so and then start the process all over again.
Overall, I have been much more awake today than the past three days so we are hoping that I will be able to be off oxygen soon:) Mommy and Daddy keep trying to take it away, but my stats usually drop below the safe levels and they have to put the mask back on.
So Mommy took a video of me and has been trying to upload it forever which is why my Saturday blog is soooo late. She finally was able to save it as a smaller file. Enjoy:-)
Friday, June 24, 2011
After my bath, Ines noticed that my heart rate was falling and by that time Mommy had gotten home. We called my Hospice nurse Lynda and she stopped by to check on me. Lynda didn't have a reason why my heart rate was falling but did say my lungs sounded clear which is good. I will keep taking my antibiotic so we can rule out a bacterial infection. If I don't get better in the next day or two, we will know that my difficulties are just a progression of my disease.
Daddy is giving me my last feeding of the day. Then, I hope we all get into bed soon!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Still on oxygen
I have been on oxygen since last night. Mommy and Daddy tried to take me off a few times but my oxygen level just drops too low so they have to put me back on. I was delivered an oxygen concentrator last night that concentrates the oxygen from room air so I will never run out:)
Today the hospice nurse came by to check on me. She spoke with the doctors and they are not sure exactly what is going on so we will try antibiotics and if they don't help then we can rule out an infection and assume it is just the progression of my disease. I am resting comfortably and really relax with the oxygen on. I tried morphine today too because I was having lots of labored breathing and it really helped. We will try that again if I have trouble again tonight.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I had a pretty good morning with my nurse Paula. I got a bath, my nails trimmed and even sat outside for a while. But around 5pm I started to have labored breathing and a fever. My heart rate jumped to 200 and my oxygen fell so low that I needed my oxygen.
Tylenol brought my fever down and my heart rate also came down but Mommy can't take me off oxygen yet. My heart rate is also going back up ever time Mommy tries to feed me. Hopefully I don't need my oxygen all night!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Work-day for Daddy!
Daddy had his first full day of work today. I missed him a lot:-( It was a busy Monday for me here at the house. My nurse Joy came early this morning and then my physical and occupational therapists came to meet Joy and show her some stretches and things to help me relax. Joy gave me a bath and then my hospice nurse Lynda stopped by to see how I am doing. She increased one of my night time doses of valium to try and help me sleep.
Then Mommy and Daddy came home from work and Daddy, Uncle Pat and Brody went out to dinner while Mommy and I snuggled on the couch. My Uncle Pat leaves tomorrow - we will miss you! Thank you so much for coming to visit us.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Daddy's Day
I think I have the best Daddy in the world
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy 5 month Birthday
Uncle Pat made us a yummy dinner tonight - chicken skewers with nectarine salsa and couscous!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Uncle P
Brody had to stay home from school today but he was feeling better so he Daddy and Uncle Pat went to the zoo in the morning. I wish I could go to the zoo too, but I still have lots of trouble leaving the house. I don't like to ride in my car seat when I'm having seizures and I really don't like moving around a lot. I think all the movements make me very dizzy and I then have a hard time keeping my food down. Mommy and Daddy take me on short walks around the neighborhood but find it is best if I stay close to home.
Uncle Pat and I got to hang out today outside with my brother. It was drizzling off and on this afternoon so we didn't get to sit outside too long.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I spent the day with my nurse Joy again. I had a really good day. I didn't spit up at all during my feedings and had minimal outward seizures. Daddy is giving me my last feeding now and I am taking it pretty well. Hopefully I have another good night tonight.
Daddy and Uncle Pat are slacking on the photos but I hope to get one tomorrow with Uncle Pat. Mommy is sharing a photo taken the day I was born. It is amazing how different I look!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
So today my new nurse Paula started. She is going to come every Wednesday to take care of me and I liked her a lot. I was running a little fever this afternoon, so Paula gave me some medicine to help bring my fever down. I had some seizure episodes with Paula and she hooked me up to my pulse-ox and I was showing slightly low oxygen levels, but didn't need any oxygen since my color still looked ok.
Uncle Pat cooked us a wonderful meal tonight - thanks Uncle Pat!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Uncle Pat is here!
We all seemed to doze off for a while but I was up again having seizures off and on through the entire night. Daddy tried giving me my other drugs but that didn't help. I was getting suctioned every hour because my seizures increase my congestion.
We were all pretty tired this morning! My Hospice nurse came by today and we are going to increase my night time dose of valium. I will try it for the first time tonight and hopefully it works because I am exhausted.
My uncle Pat arrived this afternoon. Joy was here to take care of me again today so I didn't get a chance to snuggle with Uncle Pat but I am hoping to do that tomorrow!
Monday, June 13, 2011
My Valium seemed to work well for me today except for a small episode this morning when I needed my hyocyamine drops to help calm me down. I like that the Valium keeps me from getting anxious during my seizures but it is making me very weak and I don't hold me head up like I used to. I'm just very loosey-goosey as Mommy says.
Daddy is feeding me now for the 1st time today and I am having a tough time. I keep spitting up and Daddy is having to suction me a lot:-( Hopefully I can finish without bringing my whole meal back up.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Bye Bye Pop-Pop!
I woke up to say goodbye to Pop-Pop. Brody and Daddy took him to the airport this morning but not before I was able to get a picture with him! Goodbye Pop-Pop, I will miss you!
Then this afternoon Daddy's friend Brian from Manhattan Beach stopped by along with Daddy's friend Jerry. Brian was in town for the weekend to enjoy some spring skiing. I forgot to get a picture with him but I won't forget that laugh! Thank you for visiting me Brian.
I had a tough dinner time feeding and am just now finally getting sleepy. Daddy is giving me my last feeding and hopefully we will all be in bed soon. I am looking forward to meeting the two new nurses this week and my Uncle Pat arrives on Tuesday!
Friday, June 10, 2011
1st Day of Nursing!
Daddy and Pop-Pop got to go out for lunch while I got to know Ines and then the Director of nursing for PPHC came by to drop off my patient home chart and talk with us and Ines. Then Mommy got home and shortly afterwards my brother came home and we had the Freedman's over for dinner. It went from quiet to crazy but was lots of fun. We all sat outside and Daddy grilled some burgers while my brother and his friend Ajax ran around the backyard. Mommy fed me dinner and then Daddy held me.
I didn't hold my dinner down and ended up spitting up most of it. I am having lots of seizures now and I don't know if I will be able to hold down another feeding tonight. Hopefully the seizures calm down soon so I can get some rest tonight.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thank you Marsha
I had a pretty good night last night and day today. It was a light day for seizures and spit-up which is always a nice. I even slept by myself and everyone got to enjoy dinner while I slept. Mommy usually holds me and eats dinner at the same time, so this was a real treat for her.
I still didn't get a good picture with Pop Pop Shea but Daddy promised to get one tomorrow!! Mommy was able to sneak a picture, so see if you can spot Pop Pop below...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Pop-Pop is here!
I now officially have three full time nurses that will start on Friday. They will be coming everyday next week to get used to my routine and Daddy will be here to show them the ropes. I can't wait to snuggle with all of them - they better be good snugglers or they are fired:-)
Pop-Pop came this afternoon! I am hoping he will get a picture with me soon but he is a hard one to capture with a lens.....
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Protecting my Sister!
Busy day yesterday. Mommy and daddy met another nurse and I got set up with the PASCO agency so Mommy and Daddy can get respite care. That took a long time and the nurse did not leave until after 6pm so we all had cheerios for dinner!
Mommy and I were sitting on the couch and my furry brother Finnegan decided to lay right next to me. Even Finnegan loves cuddling with me.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Bye Uncle Rich!
We will miss you Uncle Rich, thank you for visiting me! Hope you have a great flight back to Maryland and come visit us again soon.
Still Sleeping
It is 8:30 and I am still sleeping:-) Daddy is feeding me and Brody came in to catch a few zzzz's with me. I had a pretty good night but my last feeding was tough. I ended up spitting up most of it about 10 minutes after I finished eating. Mommy suctioned me out a few times and then I fell asleep.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Summer is finally here:)
I had a pretty good day overall with just my normal spit-ups and need for lots of suction to help keep my airway clear. Uncle Rich fed me again today which gives Mommy and Daddy a break.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Fun Friday
This afternoon another nursing agency stopped by to meet me. I will get to meet two more nurses on Monday and then Mommy and Daddy will decide which nursing company to choose.
I got lots of good snuggle time with Uncle Rich today. He even fed me:)
This evening Daddy's friend Adam came over to visit while Mommy and her friend Robin went out for dinner. It was a fun evening.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Uncle Rich
I had a pretty good day today. Mommy and Daddy interviewed a few nurses today that might take care of me when Daddy goes back to work. They were both really nice but we will meet another nurse tomorrow and then decide which company to choose.
Uncle Rich came into town today and I can't wait to cuddle with him:) He is here for a few days and I'm looking forward to spending time with him.