I am sitting here with my Daddy and listening to the fireworks-Happy 4th of July everyone. Today was a hot one here in Denver. Mommy, Daddy and Brody ran lots of errands today while I stayed home with my nurse Joy. I had a pretty good day today. I was really worn out and slept a lot today since I was having lots of seizures and awake time yesterday. I slept with oxygen again last night. Daddy was having to suction me out every hour or so to keep my oxygen saturation up, so he decided about half-way through the night just to put me on oxygen. Then he could get a few consecutive hours of sleep in between having to suction me out. Tonight is Mommy's turn:)
No pictures today - sorry. Mommy, Daddy and Brody were going to bring me over the neighbors house for a BBQ, but I ended up having to stay home because I was having my normal difficult evening. Mommy even dressed me in my pretty picnic outfit....oh well, I will just have to wear it out another day.
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