To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Beautiful Life

Tess, the struggle that plagued you has ended, the tempest is over.  You are finally free.  Free of the misery that you were forced to suffer.  I hope you take with you the sweet memories of the warm summer breeze on your face, the gentle kiss of your brother on your forehead at bedtime, your Mommy’s gentle embrace, and your Daddy’s undying love.  I loved you from the moment that you came into this world and I love you more with each passing day since you left.  I can only hope that you are now at peace, free to dream your sweet dreams while you sleep, and that you are able to be united with your oldest brother Emerson.

You gave us all so much in such a short period of time.  My mind is full of loving memories of the time you shared with us.  You shed your radiance and gave your love to everyone who cared for you; to anyone who had the privilege just to hold you.  Unfortunately, you were only meant to stay with us for a brief, shining moment in time.  You were a “human being that was given to fly.”  It seemed as though it was the night that brought you the most anguish and suffering.  It was at night when I would plead for our roles to be reversed; take me not her.  Countless times I wished that the night would never come, but it always did.  Now, it’s ironic that I have to beg the night for sleep just to dream of you.  I will forever be haunted by night.

You were forced to overcome so many odds from the moment you were born until the end of your beautiful life. So many times we thought the end was near, but you were a fighter, and kept finding the strength to survive. You never gave up hope on life.  However, in the end, I was powerless to save you.  I was not able to be the hero in your story, but I was able to witness your extraordinary courage with envy and awe.  You demonstrated more bravery in your short life than I have in a lifetime.  Buddha says “A child without courage is like a night without stars.”  He believed that at birth, children are instilled with an extraordinary amount of courage, which is many times lost over a lifetime of struggling to deal with the day to day “burdens of life.”  I fear that your passing may have overcome the last remaining fragments of my childhood spirit.

Now with you gone, nothing will ever be the same again.  The stars will never shine as brightly, the full moon will never be as radiant, and the sunlight will never feel quite as warm on my face as when you were with me.  My spirit is battered and my heart is fractured.  I look in the mirror and I am almost unrecognizable to myself.  I am adrift, mired in a fog of emotions and tears.  I feel as though I am a shadow of my former self.  It is as though my soul has been in hiding; barely surviving while waiting for the inevitable; your utterly tragic death.  Not only have I lost my beautiful daughter, but you lost the chance to live your life; A life now unrealized.  That is the true cause of my heartbreak and my rage.

But as I search for some solace, some semblance of sanity that I can draw from this past year of madness, I am beginning to realize that during your struggle you were sending me a message.  A message to never give up; to “not go gentle into that good night;” to persevere despite the “burdens of life” heaved upon us. You have shown me that love can truly conquer all things; even your death.  You have inspired me to try and recover what I had lost; my courageous childhood spirit.  You have given me the strength to rebuild what has been so violently ripped apart by your death; my soul, my very being.  In the end, it is the daughter who has taught the father a valuable lesson; to endure; and to live this precious gift of life to the fullest without fear, anger, or regret.  I promise you sweetie, I will try not to let you down.

I am so sad that I have lost you and that I will never be able to hold you again.  But, I am also so happy for the time that we were able to share together; that I was given the opportunity to love you.  Farewell my sweet, sweet girl, my love, Mo Chuisle. You will forever be my Tess……the pulse of my heart.

“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again (Tess and Emerson),
May God hold you (both) in the hollow of His hand.”


  1. We wish you strength as you begin to heal from this unimaginable loss. May your sweet baby Tessa be at peace and may each of you find comfort as your hearts mend a little each day. Your grace and generosity of spirit amidst the greatest challenge you've faced is an inspiration to everyone around you. May the love you have for one another carry you through to happier times.
    With all our love, Robin & Adam

  2. what a beautiful tribute to a very special little girl. my sincerest sympathies are with you and Tessa's entire family as you grieve and move forward toward happier times with your ever lasting memories....

  3. Danny, Tessa was your girl, often I thought I saw one of your expressions on her face in pictures. Last night there was a beautiful full moon and Hannah and I both thought of it as hers. It was peaceful and shining so brightly. Thank you and Jen for sharing her every day with us. We love you, Kai, Aidan and Hannah

  4. Dan your words are a great tribute to Tessa. Please know that time will heal your heart and mend your soul! You have touched on many of the same feelings I've experienced with the loss of Marcello. The person you knew and once recognized in the mirror will return, just with more perspective... not that you need more perspective. Take a deep breath, hold Jen and Brody tighter than you ever have and bask in the love you each share for one and other! Sending you all the LOVE we have! Bryan, Antoinette, Luciano

  5. Dan and Jen, you have inspired us all to be better parents and better people through your words and actions throughout this journey. Our hearts ache for your loss as we continue to send our love to you and your family. Please know that we mourn with you and pray for you to heal. Love, Manny & Lesley

  6. Tessa - what a special gift. My words to you seem so feeble, but yours are strong and the wisdom Tessa brought to this world will never be forgotten. Love you- Caryn & Cayce

  7. I find myself crying in front of my computer. Both heartbreaking and inspiring. Rest in peace little Tessa. Dan and Jen, your courage and strength are truly remarkable. God bless your family. Love, Todd and Cindy

  8. Tessa’s strength was a direct sign of your strength. I am fortunate to have held Tessa, she is a beautiful soul whose spirit will remain with us forever. This poem was shared with us and meant so much to me - You will never forget her. Antoinette

    Tiny Angels rest your wings
    sit with me for awhile.
    How I long to hold your hand,
    And see your tender smile.

    Tiny Angel, look at me,
    I want this image clear....
    That I will forget your precious face
    Is my biggest fear.

    Tiny Angel can you tell me,
    Why you have gone away?
    You weren't here for very long....
    Why is it, you couldn't stay?

    Tiny Angel shook her head,
    "These things I do not know....
    But I do know that you love me,
    And that I love you so".

  9. Dan and Jen
    We are so sad to hear of your loss. Our hearts ache for you all. I wish we were there to hug you all. Your struggle has been mighty and your courage inspiring. Tessa's beautiful spirit will not be forgotten.
    Love Stacie and Rob

  10. I'm sure I can speak for all of us who have helped you care for Tessa that her inescapable passing fills our heart with sadness and leaves a void in our soul. You are an amazing family who has given all you could to your child, above which is a profound love, an eternal love that transcends death. May that love sustain you and override the burden of your heavy heart. In time may you again see the beauty of life, the promise of tomorrow, the hope for a future. In this often cruel and unfair world, may you take the courage and spirit of your precious daughter and move forward into the light. I know I will take that gift from Tessa into my world. Thank you for letting us into your life.
    Darlene (nurse)

  11. Dan and Jen,
    Doug and I send our deepest regrets for the loss of your precious Tessa. May you find peace in the midst of your sorrow, and may your memories of the precious days spent with her sustain you. You are in our thoughts and prayers!
    Much love,
    LeAnne and Doug Daringer

  12. Jen, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing Tessa's story -- her time with you was very blessed. You and your family our in my thoughts and prayers every day. Love, Nancy (Forsyth) Hafstad
