To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I had a restful night last night and was pretty calm this morning for Mommy and Daddy.  While I ate my breakfast, Mommy and Brody put together a new train track configuration for Brody to play with.

Daddy and I were catching up on the morning news to see what had happened with Hurry-cane Irene.  Luckily the impact on New York/New Jersey wasn't as bad as predicted.  We gave my Nana's and Pop-Pop's a call and everything was a-ok back east.

I spent most the morning and afternoon with Mommy and was a good girl.  Mommy and Brody went to a neighbors house for a BBQ and, as normal, I started to have my nighttime troubles.  I just finished my last meal and had a few spit-ups.  We may try speeding up my daytime feedings to make sure I am not eating during my difficult times.  Mommy and Daddy work so hard to get the food in me and I just end up bring it back up anyway.  We will try and make some changes this week.

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