To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Monday, November 21, 2011


Minus the stress of pooping, I had a great night last night.  Mommy talked to Dr. Gien again this morning and he had consulted with a few pharmacists and they all agreed we should stick with the higher dose of hyocyamine.  We were going to try a new drug but the side effects are the same and I am already responding well to the hyocyamine so we are sticking with it even though my dose is much higher than the maximum dosage.

One of the main reasons we have Dr. Gien as my doctor is because he really listens to Mommy and Daddy.  He isn't afraid to think outside the box and really has my comfort in mind.

I was having a bad case of the hiccups when Mommy got home.  She held me for a while hoping that would help make them go away but it just made it worse.  I got back into my boppy and it still took me a little while to calm down.

I am with my nurse Beth tonight so Mommy and Daddy can get some sleep.  

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