To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Snuggle x 2

My nurse Tiffany texted Mommy today and asked her "Did you tell Tess to be an angel today?".  I am always an angel, but I was especially good today!  Last night was a little different because I had two big poops again and they just totally stress me out.  

I didn't need much suctioning today (unusual) and I even had a few calm moments when I was awake (double unusual).  I was laying peacefully in my favorite side lying position and it appeared that I was looking around.  If my eyes are open, my eyes are usually moving in an erratic pattern that normally indicates I am having seizure activity, but for some reason I was very different today.  

After dinner Mommy got to hold me again!  She picked me up when I was asleep, which is a risky move on its own since that usually wakes me up and causes me stress, but for some reason, this time I stayed asleep and we got more snuggle time!  Brody even joined in on the fun while enjoying what is left from his Halloween bucket.

Let's hope I have as great a day tomorrow as I did today...and weekend too:)

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