To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Doctor Day

Thursday's always seem to be my busy day.  It took me a while to fall asleep last night and I slept in Mommy and Daddy's bed (in my boppy of course) until about 4am.  I then needed a dose of Ativan to help me get back to sleep and I slept till my big brother got up.

My nurse Linda came over this morning and said I sounded very congested.  She is going to have the doctor stop by in the next few days to check on me and see if there may be other medicines to help me sleep since the Ativan and Valium don't always work.

We also talked to my Medicaid coordinator and she is trying to help us get some respite care set-up to give everyone a break.  Also, Daddy is going to have to go back to work in a few weeks and I am going to need a nurse to come take care of me while Mommy and Daddy work.  The Medicaid lady is hopefully going to help us get all that set-up:)  After Linda left, I decided to wake up for a little while and look around.

Then, my physical therapist Siobhan came over to visit me.  Daddy had to give me some Ativan to calm me down, so I was really sleepy when she was here.  We only did a little stretching and massaging since I was asleep:(  My therapy service coordinator also stopped by to visit and approved another 3 months of therapies!

Then I got to snuggle with my Uncle John while my Dad went to pick up my brother from Montessori School.  I am enjoying a little peace and quiet before the Brody-storm begins.


  1. I love the picture in this post with her chin resting on her little hand. She looks so beautiful!!

  2. I love that one of me too! Daddy took that one:-) Miss you Aunt K.
