To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I am truely blessed with such wonderful people taking care of me and prayig for me. Thank you for all the well wishes and kind thoughts from everyone this year. 

It as been another farily rough day.  My med dosage has gone up significantly  and I really haven't seen much releif.  Also, I have developed a strange rash that comes and goes throughout the day.  The doctor doesn't seem to be too concerned about the rash yet.  We are keeping our eye on the rash!

I got to hang out on the floor this evening with Daddy and Brody.  I was having a rough time trying to calm down so we changed it up a bit.  I tolerated laying on my back for about 30 minutes which is a pretty long time for me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes you are Tessita. Sending you our best prayers and that Merry Christmas.
