We have been trying to incorporate the new medicine into my med-routine and while it seems to be helping, we don't think it is working to its full potential. I am still having the increased seizue activity and respiratory distress. The Versed is helping to keep my heart rate down during these episodes but for at lease a little bit, but after it wears off, I am right back where I started.
So we just got off the phone with Dr. Gien again and discussed the medication situation and came up with another dosage change. He didn't think our last increase was significant enough so we are going up on valium and versed again. Let's hope tonight is better than the last few nights. I am holding on tight and ready to get some relief from these nasty seizures.
P.S. I am 11 months old today! I have amazed everyone by fighting through some very difficult times. Mommy and Daddy thought they had lost me a few times, but I am a strong girl and have fought for every second of my life. Happy birthday to me:-)
Tessa, Happy 11th-Mom and Dad have been given a gift that has enlarged their lives and love-and that gift is you!You ARE a special little girl. We will say a special prayer for your birthday today. Love, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Frank