To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I had a reeeeaaallllyyy rough night last night.  Daddy even had to help when my night nurse Heather tried for a while to get me to relax.  I was coughing up a bunch of congestion and we couldn't get my fever under control again.  Finally after a long time, I fell asleep.  I was so exhausted from all the seizures and respiratory distress that I slept, and slept and slept until almost 1pm.

Mommy was so afraid to move me since I was so peaceful that she waited that long to change my diaper!  I woke up and got changed, and coughed up a bunch of congestion.  See if you can guess what is missing from the following photo....

My TUBE!  I even got to spend two hours without my tube.  It feels so great not to have that thing down my throat and taped to my face.  Mommy and Daddy felt so awful because I had a tear in my eye when they were putting it back in:-(  I've had it in since I was one day old so I'm getting used to it by now.

The house has been so quiet this afternoon because my brother is not here.  He is up at Uncle John's and Aunt Marie's house since Mommy and Daddy are going to a work party!!  My nurse Heather is here to take care of me tonight and lets hope it is easier than last night.

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