To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I hate my car seat...

I had another pretty good night last night.  Mommy and Daddy gave me Valium again and I was able to sleep in my bassinet from 10pm to 5am.  I tried to go longer, but I started to wake up after my 4am feeding and got pretty restless and spit-up.  So Daddy took me in bed with him and we snuggled in bed until my big brother Brody woke up.

This afternoon, Daddy, Nana and I went to the Children's Hospital to visit my neurologist.  I had a really hard time sitting in my car seat.  I don't like to sit in my car seat because I can't arch my back or put my head no one can hold me when I'm in my car seat and that really makes me nervous.  So I got very anxious and Daddy had to pull over the car to calm me down.  Once I got to the hospital I was able to calm down and I took some Ativan and that helped me.

I now weigh 10 lbs 12 oz!!  Daddy talked to the Dr. about my increased seizure activity and how I am having a hard time at night and do not like to be left alone.  She suggested that Daddy give me Ativan more often and continue using Valium at night to help me sleep.  We are also still in the process of getting my anti-seizure drug Keppra back down to my original dose since we more than doubled it during my last hospital visit and it didn't help with any of my seizures.

Then, Mommy and Brody got home.  We all sat down at the dinner table and afterwards Brody brought me my favorite toy and giraffe blanket.  I just got my medicines and hopefully we will all be fast asleep soon!

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