To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Uncle John is Here!

Last night was very difficult for me.  I slept with Mommy from 10pm to 2am and then Daddy took me.  I was grunting and having seizures and could not sleep at all so Daddy had to sit up with me to get me to calm down.  They used the suction machine a few times to help me clear my nose and throat.

My hospice nurse Linda told Mommy and Daddy to try and get a few doses of Ativan before bedtime in me and she increased my dose of Valium again since it still doesn't seem to be working consistently.

Uncle John arrived early this morning to meet me and help Daddy take care of me once Nana Shea leaves. I was able to get some good snuggle time with Uncle John this afternoon!

This afternoon, Mommy and Daddy went to visit the hospice inpatient facility in Lowry.  They said it was very nice and me, Mommy, Daddy and big brother Brody can stay there together.  Not sure I will ever stay there, but we wanted to see what it looked like and keep it as an option for the future.

Then after dinner, a beautiful rainbow appeared.  I wanted to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but it was raining outside and Mommy said it was too wet and chilly for me to be outside...bummer:-(

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