To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Who said Sunday is for Resting?

It was a busy day today!  I had a pretty tough night last night.  It took me a long time to go to sleep and had to sleep in Daddy's arms all night.  I normally take Ativan when Mommy and Daddy can't get me to calm down, but it doesn't seem to be working all the time.  So, tonight I am going to try Valium and hopefully that we let me (and Mommy and Daddy) get some rest.

I got to stay home with Nana Shea while Mommy and Daddy went with my big brother Brody to get a bike (see below).

Then, the Taylors (Brian, Teresa and Seth) stopped by to hold me.  They also brought some very yummy Veggie Lasagna which I will get to enjoy later!!  And yes Brian, Mommy said it was very yummy:-)  They also brought me a cute shirt which I will show off on another day.  Thank you for holding me Teresa.  I loved snuggling with you!

Then, I got to take a long nap with Mommy on the couch.  Snuggling is my favorite thing!

We will chat again tomorrow - good night!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the snuggling photos. It's so sweet.

    Bike riding!?! Yeah, Brody! It looks like you're going for a balance bike type approach... if that's the case, it really worked for Jackson. We kept him on the balance bike for about a year. He started riding a normal bike last fall. Fun stuff. We'll have to meet at the park with the kids sometime!
    ~ Nickie
