Well, I had another tough night. The Valium took a long time to kick in last night and it didn't last as long as I would have liked. I was able to sleep by myself for a few hours but Daddy ended up holding me when I woke up at 4am. I am sure wearing him out:-)
I had a pretty good day and spend most my time snuggling with Nana Shea while Daddy did some much needed yard work.
It is now 10pm and I am going to try the Valium again before bed and hopefully we can all get some much needed rest. I am sleeping now with Daddy but we will see what happens when he tries to put me in my bassinet. I just can't relax without being super close to Mommy or Daddy....I love being near them.
Very cute......hope you were able to get some sleep Tessa, you too Mom and Dad:)
Uncle John