To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Brody!

Last night was no different than the past few nights.  I seemed to be up more than asleep.  I started out pretty quiet but just as Mommy put her head on my pillow, my heart rate went up and I was awake for a few hours.  I finally settled down around midnight and then was up again around 4am.  

There was lots of singing and happy sounds this morning.  My big brother woke up and was signing himself "Happy Birthday!".  My usual nurse Joy was sick today so Darlene came to take care of me this morning.  I was a pretty good girl for her and then my nurse Tiffany came this afternoon.  I was awake just after my noon time Phenobarbital dose so Tiffany decided to give me a steam bath.  It worked like a charm and I was down for the count.  I slept pretty peacefully all afternoon and I even got to take my oxygen off for a half hour.

I must have fallen into a deep sleep because my oxygen levels dropped and I had to put my penguin mask back on:-(  Mommy and Brody got home this afternoon and he opened up a HUGE present from Aunt Kathy and my cousins.  That sounded like a lot of fun but I just couldn't get my eyes open.

Then a bunch of our neighbors came over to have cake and sign Brody happy birthday.  I wish I could have joined the party but I was much more comfortable inside with Tiffany.  We had a big piece of cake together.

After cake Brody came inside and showed me all his new toys.  He played the saxophone, xylophone, drum and guitar for me which was ok....I hated to tell him he was a bit out of tune so I just pretended to love the music.  

I am still sound asleep and after a conversation with the doctor today we are going to try two doses of Phenobarbital before we completely give up on it.  I get another dose at midnight and hopefully we will all get a good night sleep.  

Brody gave me his party hat so I told Daddy I wanted to wear it while I enjoyed my last meal of the's not cake but I'll get that tomorrow:)

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