To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Saturday, October 29, 2011


It's been a rough day and night.  I had an awful night last night which started out with a HUGE poop that really stressed out Daddy.  There were wipes flying everywhere trying to control the mess but it still got allover the place.  I was up every hour or so with either seizures or respiratory distress so Daddy didn't get much sleep.

My brother was up early to play soccer so I stayed home with Mommy.  The morning started out ok but I was up again a bit later with seizures and lots of secretions.  Mommy tried giving me a bath but that didn't work like it usually does.  

During the bath, she did realize that I am getting too long for my baby tub!  Looks like a trip to the store for Mommy!

All these extra secretions today make Mommy and Daddy think I may be getting sick again.  It is so hard to tell, but I have definitely been acting differently.  This afternoon we got to carve pumpkins!  Mommy carved a cat in her pumpkin and Brody wanted a happy face, so when it was my turn, I asked for a T!  Daddy keeps talking about his carving skills so Mommy is going to let him do his pumpkin on his own.  We'll see what he comes up with.

  I haven't been able to tolerate my feedings today and I am at about half of my normal intake.  I am all set for bed with Mommy now and am having a very hard time falling asleep.  My fists are clenched so tight near my face that it looks like I'm about to enter a boxing match.  I think I may get my valium a little early to help calm me down.


  1. Tessa looks beautiful in her new red outfit-hope it survived the big poop:)
    The pumpkins are awesome!!! Can't wait to see what Dan comes up with to top the three you did!!
    Love, Aunt Kathy

  2. I am impressed with your pumpkin carving skills!
