To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Auntie C

I had a great night last night snuggling in bed with Mommy.  I only had an hour or so when I was up trying to cough up some congestion. I got an albuterol nebulizer and some CPTs which helped me loosen up my congestion and I fell back asleep.

I stayed asleep most of the morning while Nana Shea watched me so Mommy, Daddy and Brody could go to Brody's soccer practice.  I started to wake up just around noon and had trouble calming back down.  We did a nebulizer treatment again and tried sitting up in my boppy to see if that would help increase my oxygen content.

Then we had a special visitor....Auntie Caryn!

It was so much fun to see her again.  It is great when she visits because she always takes pictures of us.

We visited for a little and then her an Mommy went out while I stayed home with Nana, Daddy and Brody.  My heart rate was up again and I was battling a fever but my eyes were closed.  It stayed like that all afternoon.

Then my respite care provider, Marsha came over so Nana could watch Brody and Mommy and Daddy could go out to dinner with Auntie Caryn, Uncle Cayce and his family.  Marsha brought me a snuggly bear for my birthday.  Thank you Marsha!

 I was a great girl for most of the evening but decided to wake up in repiratory distress just before Mommy and Daddy got home.  After some CPTs and Mommy moving me around I finally coughed up a big glob of congestion but that didn't seem to help.

Then, all of a sudden,  Mommy smelled something stinky and asked Daddy if he "tooted".  Nope, and then she felt the wetness.  Yup, I had another HUGE poop.  After getting cleaned up, the doctor called and we decided to increase a few more drugs.  I did pretty well yesterday with my med changes by we are trying to get me in a much more peaceful state.  We will give it a try tonight and tomorrow and see what happens.

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. It was so good to see you, Tessa, even for just a bit! We love you!
