To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Low O2

I had a rough night with Daddy last night.  We talked to Dr. Gien before bedtime and increased one of my medications and switched my dosing on another.  My oxygen was low and my heart rate was high so Daddy had to keep re-positioning me to see if he could get me to cough up some congestion.  He gave me all the medications in our bag of tricks.

This morning Mommy and I stayed home while Daddy took Nana Shea to the airport.  Thank you for all your help Nana Shea, we will miss you!

I got my NG tube taken out of my tummy and then enjoyed a nice bath with Mommy and didn't cough up as much congestion as I normally do.  I was very sleepy and slept through most of my bath and even my exercises.  I did decide to wake up pretty calm so Mommy decided to take some video.

It was more of the same this afternoon trying to fight a fever, low oxygen and a high heart rate.  I have been able to take a good amount of food today but it is still not as much as I was getting a few weeks ago.  My nurse Heather is here now to take care of me tonight.  Mommy and Daddy are tired so I hope they get a good night sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Tessa, you're a beautiful girl and so lucky too that you were sent to live with a such a beautiful family... We want to wish you a very happy belated birthday!! Love and miss you bunches,

    Christine, Ken, Abby & Zach ;)
