To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to me

The house was bustling today with lots of people saying Happy Birthday.  Mommy and Daddy got lots of cards, calls, emails, skype's and texts from our friends and family wishing me a happy birthday.  Last night Mommy and Daddy talked to Dr. Gien and we decided to change my morphine from as needed to every four hours because that would tell us if I am in any pain.  It seemed to work well last night but this morning was a different story.  I was having some pretty intense seizures this morning and lots of secretions.  After an early dose of my valium and phenobarbital, I finally fell asleep.  I did open my eyes for a little while to see the pretty balloons that Nana Shea bought me and the pretty flowers, balloon and bear that Uncle Rich bought me.  Finnegan liked them too:)

I fell back asleep until about 6:30 and apparently, I woke up just in time to to enjoy cake.  I got out of my crib to enjoy cake with my family.

You may notice a piece missing from my cake.  I think my brother may have gotten hungry before singing happy Birthday...  I was going to put my kitty cat outfit on that Nana and Pop-Pop Reed bought me but I didn't wake up in time to get changed.

Then I opened a few gifts.  The Oxman's, a family from Brody's school made yummy marscapone with strawberry glaze cupacakes.  My neighbors, the Freedman's bought me snuggly burp cloths that looked liked cupcakes in their box.  

I got a few cards, some pjs from Mommy and Daddy, a fuzzy blanket from  my nurse Heather.  It was a great birthday but I am tired again so it is time for bed! 

We spoke with Dr. Gien again tonight and to help with my seizures, we are going to increase my Valium again.  That will hopefully help my more intense seizures I have been experiencing.  

Good night and thank you to everyone for making my birthday so special.


  1. Nana and Pop Pop ReedJanuary 18, 2012 at 11:28 PM

    Happy Birthday to our sweet Tessa. We love you.

    Nana and Pop Pop Reed

  2. Happy Birthday Tessa. I think about you every day.


  3. Happy, Happy Birthday to you Tessa!! We love you sooooooo much! Love, Uncle Eric, Aunt Kathy, Jason, Ryam and Cassie

  4. Happy belated birthday Tessa! We love you!
