To keep everyone who loves me up to date, Mommy and Daddy have decided to document every day of the rest of my life with this blog....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic

I was still battling a fever this morning and my heart rate was still pretty high.  I was able to take in some more milk today which helped to hydrate me and loosen up some of my congestion.  Tiffany kept up my nebulizer saline treatments and I was getting morphine every hour or so to keep my respiratory rate down below 50/minute.  After about noon, I fell into a deep sleep and my stridor breathing seemed to quiet down.  At 2pm Tiffany and Mommy gave me a "steam" bath in the bathroom with the shower running to try and help break up my congestion.  I think the bath put me in a much deeper sleep and I couldn't even open my eyes!

I was still so worn out that I didn't even wake up when I got all lotioned up (and we all know how much lotion Mommy puts on me:-)) and dressed.  My cheek is still a little red from my NG tube tape....hopefully that is gone in a day or two after some of my cure-all calendula salve.

I continued my nap-time on the couch and Daddy was so worn out from the past few days that even he joined me, and I even let him use my favorite Boppy.

I didn't need any more morphine or tylenol/motrin after about 1pm today, but I am still sound asleep with only slightly labored breathing.  I woke up with some seizures around 6pm while Mommy was feeding me.  I think that was my way of telling her that I had enough food for the day  My night nurse Paula is here tonight to take care of me and she will try and give me one more feeding after midnight.

Mommy and Daddy are trying to remain positive that I am on the uphill climb out of my sickness, but there have been so many ups and downs the last few days that it is hard to believe it.  Fingers crossed.

Thank you to all those who have called, posted, emailed and texted!  Even if Mommy and Daddy didn't get a chance to respond, please know we have received all the well wishes.  We love and thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. We love you and are sending positive thoughts your way!
