I haven't been in the car since my last trip home from the hospital in April and I really wasn't looking forward to it. My nurse Tiffany came with us to help with all the equipment we had to take with us. I needed my oxygen, suction machine and my pulse-ox. I was going to "break the law" and just ride in the car without my car seat since my heart rate spiked so high the last time I rode in my seat. But Mommy decided to make me try one more time and I didn't like it at first but my heart rate stayed below 200 so we decided to give it a try.
I did my little piggy squeals the whole way to the doctors which luckily was only 15 minutes away. Tiffany checked my stats during the trip which were ok so we decided to keep me in my seat.
I only waiting a few minutes and then we went in to get weighed and measured. I was 26 inches tall and weighted 5.94 kg (13.1 lbs) which means I lost a little weight since my last weight check. I then sat and waited for Dr. Gien. First Mommy held me for a while and then Daddy....

Finally Dr. G came in and we went over all my medications and discussed my illness last few weeks. Since we were unsure if I had pneumonia or not, Dr. G recommended that we do a quick chest x-ray, so we ran over to radiology and took a few pictures.
The x-ray showed that I probably didn't have pneumonia which is good news. He thinks I did have a virus which would explain the fever, labored breathing, congestion and heart rates spikes. I did have some damage in my airway which was probably from the virus, so he prescribed me some prednisone to help reduce swelling and hopefully help make it easier to breath.
Dr. G also thought that my heart rate spikes and extreme difficulty eating are probably due to the progression of my seizures. He gave me a prescription for Versed to be used as a quick acting medicine to help if my heart rate gets too high when I am having seizures.
Two and a half hours later, we said our goodbye's and heading back to the dreaded car! I was so tired from he long day and weak from not eating all day that I slept the whole ride home.
I am still sleeping now, but have been having trouble keeping my oxygen up, my heart rate down and my respirations down, so Daddy just gave me some morphine to see if that helps. So far I am still struggling. I'm working on taking in some food again now. So far today, I have only had about 4 ounces of Mommy milk and 2 oz of pedialite.
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